Sunday, July 1, 2007

White Rambo holds the line against brown invasion

Brings racist gang members to tears.

After years of passive White acceptance of violent acts perpetrated by non white racist gangs on White native Americans this Hispanic gang picked on the wrong guy.

In a clear act of self defense this well liked neighbor defended his home land against the invading animals.

In spite of death threats and scare tactics on the part of these racist gangs an 11 woman 1 man jury jury said NOT GUILTY.

Street rumors and open statements on the part of gang members, to seek vengeance on the jurors and the judge notwithstanding, these brave Americans came down on the side of of our values and justice and found this defender of our home land , Norman Borden NOT GUILTY , on all counts.

A clear victory for native Americans over the invading enemy.

These people are here to destroy us. I commend these brave jurors at the risk of their lives for doing justice and declaring Norman a defender of his values and ethics NOT GUILTY of anything.



1 comment:

kevin88 said...

This man Norman is a true American hero in a time of gang violence that has rissen very sharply with the massive non military invasion of the flood of Hispanic immigrants that are changing our countries demographics forever.These gangsters think that they can intimidate us well they picked the wrong white man to mess with.All I can say is thank god that Norman got his permit and got his 9mm or else he would probably be a statistic another victim to non white on white violence.I am glad that the not guilty verdict brought the relatives of the mexican criminals to tears,maybe now they'll know how it feels to be a victim.Whites have been suffering for to long at the hands of those who have come here only to exploit Americaa and it's people for there own fun,I hope this is a trend of things to come that is whites sticking up for themselves and not backing down under any circumstance.It's time for white's to wake up.Norman thank you,You are a hero to us.Sincerly Kevin